Practices are held each day Monday through Friday mornings and will begin May 28, 2024 and will run through July 24. There will be practice on July 25 and 26 for All-star swimmers. There will also be some fun activities spread throughout the season on select mornings. Please allow the coaches to coach - Parents must stay off the swim deck during practices.
Practice times are below. No practices on May 29, May 31 or June5.
May 28, May 30 June 3 and June 4 will be evening practices and will occur at the following times:
· Ages 8 and under: 5:30-6pm
· Ages 9-12: 6-7pm
· Ages 13-18: 7-8pm
From June 6 on, we will be holding morning practices only as follows:
· Ages 13-18: 8am - 9am
· Ages 9-12: 9am - 10am
· Ages 8 and under: 10am - 10:30am
(Note: Meets are held in the evenings. They begin at 6pm with warm-ups starting somewhere between 5pm and 5:30pm depending on whether it is a home or away meet).
(Note: Meets are held in the evenings. They begin at 6pm with warm-ups starting somewhere between 5pm and 5:30pm depending on whether it is a home or away meet).
June 11 (Rain Date June 13): FSC @ Chestnut Forks
June 18 (Rain Date June 20): FSC @ Fauquier Springs
June 25: FSC Bye Week
July 2 (Rain date TBD): Carnival Relays hosted by FauquierSprings
July 9 (Rain Date July 11): Orange @ FSC
July 16 (Rain Date July 18): Culpeper Rec @ FSC
Regionals: July 24 (No Rain Date): @ Orange
All-Stars: July 27 (No Rain Date): @ Chestnut Fork
A date will be set at the Spring Tri-County Meeting and another email will be sent out for the computer training. Stroke and turn judges and referee training.
We need as many parents as possible to attend the judge training for stroke and turn. This is a very important role that we have trouble filling at each meet. Four stroke and turn judges are needed per meet and without filling this role, we cannot run the meet. It is not fair to only have a couple of trained parents to be in this role all season.
One parent from each family will be required to work one half of each meet. We need the help from the parents to make these meets successful. Roles that are needed are: timers, head timer, starter, clerk of course, ribbon writer, runner, sorter, checker, person to hand out heat ribbons computer entry, and stroke and turn judges. Training is required for stroke and turn judges. Please consider getting trained for stroke and turn judge. It is a much needed role and we need as many parents as we can to get trained so the same parents don’t have to be in this role at every meet. Sign ups for the meets will be sent out prior to the meets on SignUp Genius.